“Two souls united in love, embarking on a journey of everlasting companionship. Join us as we exchange vows and celebrate the joyous union of our hearts. Together, let’s create beautiful memories that will last a lifetime. Your presence would make our special day complete.”

Gopynath Suresh Kumar

Son of :
Mr. Suresh Kumar
Mrs. Gowri

Subhashini Kumar

Daughter of :
Mr. Kumar
Mrs. Shanthi

Towards a Happy Day

Days and nights passed quickly, in between thrilling moments that we had never experienced before. We look forward to welcoming family and friends to witness our vows on this happy day.



Pearl Sentence

“I will not ask you for the stars or the moon, for I know that is too much to ask. My request is simple, accompany me forever under the light of the stars and moon.”

Cerita Cinta

03 Februari 1998

Bersekolah di satu TK dan satu SD yang sama, menjadi awal perkenalan Ratna dan Andy. Kurang lebih 3 tahun menjadi teman sekelas, cukup membuat Ratna dan Andy mengenal satu sama lain walaupun tidak akrab.

21 Agustus 2017

Setelah sekian tahun tidak pernah bertemu dikarenakan berbeda SMP dan SMA, Ratna dan Andy akhirnya kembali saling berjumpa dan bertukar sapa disosial media Instagram. Berkomunikasi seperlunya via Direct Massage instagram, Ratna dan Andy kemudian membuat janji untuk bertemu disebuah cafe. Hanya itu saja. Setelahnya, Ratna dan Andy tidak berkomunikasi lagi sama sekali.

Confirm your attendance
at the wedding event

Gopynath & Subhashini

Best Wishes

Gopynath & Subhashini

For the prayers and blessings of Mr./Mrs./Sister/i
We thank you very much
We are the Blessed One

Gopynath & Subhashini


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